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Chair: Paul Exell (email: phone: 01793 703276)

Membership Secretary: Sarah McDermott

Saturday 23 June 2012

Bus Rapid Transit - Critical Infrastructure for Tadpole Farm?

ORA prepared a brief about the Bus Rapid Transit for Planning Committee on 12th June 2012.  However, the three minute rule meant that this evidence could not be presented on the night in response to the Planning Officer's report (this was released on-line on Friday, 1st June 2012 and was  over 120 pages long).

Core Strategy (CS) Policy NC5 B:  For the development at Tadpole Farm to be viable there has to be, “a rapid transit link between Tadpole Farm and Swindon town centre from the first phase of development and other public transport links”.  On pg. 108 point 4.77 the CS states that “a rapid transit route is critical to deliver the smaller scale urban extensions in a sustainable manner and should be phased in the early part of the development”. 

The Planning Officer’s report makes it clear that the BRT route (whether through Oakhurst or Redhouse) and decisions over funding will be made outside of the Planning Committee meeting.   The developers are putting in £450,000 to the S.106 pot (pg. 58 Table 7) and, as the Council was unsuccessful in its bid for £5m funding under the DfT’s Better Bus Funding initiative, then they will be trying to secure a S.278 agreement or Grampian condition to encourage the developers to put the infrastructure in place.  There appears to have been some conflict on this matter between parties. 

Point 147 “The total transport contribution package of £2,229,500 [only £450,000 for the BRT] has therefore been agreed with the developer subject to planning permission.  In addition, contributions will be provided towards the delivery of the Northern Development Area rapid transit route.  These contributions will be proportioned through each phase of the development”. 

Point 149 “The Council ... [will] take full responsibility for implementing this [the route] under Highway powers.  It is considered that the implementation of the bus corridor and the other highway works outside the application boundary will be provided directly by Crest under a Section 278 Agreement and can be sought by Grampian condition in relation to offsite works on land under the full control of the Council or Developer”. 

ORA's independent transport review (undertaken by Badingham Limited) states that “the [developer’s transport assessment] relies heavily upon the trip reduction effects resulting from the delivery of Phase 1 of a BRT.. In our experience, such schemes are often badly affected if buses become caught in congestion on connecting links.  We are aware that currently this route can become significantly congested at peak times, which may become worse if priority is given to buses at various junctions...The development is dangerously over-reliant on the delivery and success of the BRT and makes no contingency for alternative should bid funding for this measure not succeed”. 

On the 20th July 2009 SK Transport Planning write a letter to SBC concerning WSP’s 2026 Swindon Strategy & Multi-Modal Model (WSP are SBC’s highways consultants and SK Transport are Crest Nicholson’s highways consultants).  This model informs SBC’s 2009 Core Strategy.  They write that “we are also a little disappointed that the Final Report shows that the inclusion of the bus rapid transit system does not improve accessibility to Tadpole Farm and the Northern Development Area”. 

In the Regional Spatial Strategy – Development at Swindon – A Strategic Overview to 2026, Public Examination Spring 2007, Background Paper 2 prepared by DPDS for Crest Nicholson amongst others the statement is made that “the express bus service route has been safeguarded through Haydon III meaning Tadpole Farm benefits from close proximity of existing infrastructure, minimising car-brone trips and encouraging containments within the NDA” (point 7.9 pg. 55)  

Pg. 28 point 34, “the Highways Agency is now in a position to withdraw its objection subject to conditions that ....ensure that a Travel Plan is secured to bring about car trip reduction”.